Thursday, April 9, 2009


Sister Mei-Lee is a dear friend and my Spiritual Big Sister.
She is the one that went out her way to find a center in a distant land for me to get help. I use to be all out of my mind on drugs and although I attended church on a weekly basis. No deliverance was happening. But God is always working. He used Mei-lee and her kind forgiving heart to find out about Teen Challenge Hawaii. in a matter of month I was on my way not willingly mind you but where else was I to go...
Thank God for faithful servant being use of God.
10 years has passed since that day . Who can believe I will be in Charge of a center in Okinawa ...God has a sense of humor.
Thank you Mei-lee. Thank you for not giving up on me...

1 comment:

  1. Tim. Please contact me. Its Derek from Florida. Now I am in Reno, NV.

