Monday, August 17, 2009

Prep for SoGo

The ladies under the banner are Sister Mami from Kadena AoG she is the leader for a new group called SoGo to her right is her good friend and sister in the Lord Sister Suzuka(Praise Church AoG).
They are both leaders in there own churches- Youth /Children's Ministry...They have a burden for the youth of Okinawa.
In the month of July they asked TCJ to do a drug awareness /prevention seminar. the turn out was great and the boys did good in giving testimony and sharing the message of hope.
In preparation for one on one evangelism SoGo invited Sister Fujita to share a gospel key chain seminar. TCJ was the chosen venue and we had a great 3day crash course in preparation for the streets. SoGo is out on Kokusai street every friday from 2100-2400 reaching the night kids of Okinawa. If you are in the area please stop by and give support.

1 comment:

  1. not SOGO! but SAGO(Stop and Go Okinawa)ですよ、テモテさん。笑
